Produced by Metro Dynamics, on behalf of Bruntwood SciTech, the Place Matters: Innovation and Growth in the UK report explores the power of place.

Many of our cities and towns have or have had a key role in the creation of the innovation-based global knowledge economy. Some places are already innovation-rich and others have the potential to drive the innovation which is now essential to the future well-being of the British economy.

This report looks at UK innovation success and its importance to productive growth. It asks if we need to do more for cities in the UK to innovate and remain competitive globally. It is designed to help more cities understand the importance of innovation activity to drive their economies forward and close the productivity gap.

Who should read the report?
Civic Leaders, Universities, Business Leaders, Local Government and UK Innovation Policy Makers

Using real-life case studies from around the world, this report focuses in on the value that can be unlocked by realising the concept of the ‘Power of 3’:

1. Innovation District
2. Innovation Ecosystem
3. Place Ecosystem

And draws on primary and secondary research findings and a range of illustrative examples to explore: 

– The role of local and national policy
– The conditions needed for innovation to thrive in cities
– A checklist for places

To download the report go to – Click here