UKSPA Webinar Archive



UKSPA runs regular webinars for members and partners to learn and debate the very latest issues, the programme addresses the  key topic areas that are facing the innovation sector. The ongoing series of webinars run as part of UKSPA’S programme of sharing good practice, networking, communication, research, promotion and advocacy that helps  to sustain and develop this vital economic sector.

Vision to reality: The steps to net zero

This webinar debated what key drivers and approaches are needed to achieve net zero, the sustainability targets and green clauses. The session also asked the question; what a net zero carbon lab is and how this can be delivered effectively and to target, on the journey to net zero science.


James Latham, Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst


Laura Ludlow. Principal Associate, Mills & Reeve LLP

Gary Clark, Principal, HOK and Chair of RIBA Sustainable Futures Group

Tim Fry, Sector Lead Life Sciences UK, Arup

Social Impact and Community Engagement

This webinar looked at the challenges, opportunities and innovative ways the sector continues to further engage and inspire their communities in the post pandemic world. 


Alice Reeve, CEO, Hethel Innovation


Sally O’Connor, SPARK Director of Operations, Cardiff University

Peter McDowell, Business Property Director, Business Durham

Dr Sally Basker, Chief Executive Officer, Exeter Science Park

Bill Williams, Chief Executive, CEME (Centre for Engineering and Manufacturing Excellence)

Virtual Tenancies: Process, Compliance and Opportunities

The webinar will also look beyond the legal issues to demonstrate how members deliver their own virtual tenant programmes and the opportunities that these offer to engage with existing businesses and to connect with a potentially new group of entrepreneurs


Barry Sankey, Acuity Law


David Grindrod, University of Warwick Science Park

Lynn Nangle, St Johns Innovation Centre

Olivia Chatten, York Science Park

Investment Focus: The key drivers and opportunities

A number of recent UKSPA webinars have focused on the changing face of investment in the UK.  This extended webinar will bring together key investors and look at what is driving investment and the opportunities that these investments will have on the future direction of the science and innovation sector.


Eulian Roberts, UKSPA Companion


Kate Lawlor, CEO, Bruntwood SciTech

Paul Taylor, Director, Creative Space Management

Colin Roberts, Venture Development Director, We Are Pioneer Group

Charlie Mitchell, MD, Scale Space

Emma Douglas-Beet, Scale-up Director, Innovate UK Edge

John Leake, Business Development Manager, Sci-Tech Daresbury and Malcolm Jackson, Chief Operating Office, Langtree

Reid Derby, Innovation Lead, Cyber Central UK part of Golden Valley Development

Ian Thompson, Director, Avison Young

Chris Walters, Head of Life Sciences, JLL

Innovation, Science Parks and BBSRC

The five BBSRC campuses are each distinct and at a different stage of development. CEOs from each campus reflect on their individual campus’ journey


Glenn Crocker, UKSPA Chairman


John Mackenzie, CEO, Roslin Innovation Centre

Rhian Hayward, CEO, Aberystwyth Innovation and Enterprise Campus

Derek Jones, CEO, Babraham Research Campus

David Parfrey, CEO, Norwich Research Park

Nicole Sadd, CEO, Rothamsted Enterprises

University Science Parks – the new landscape

How will the commercial benefits that Science and Innovation Parks contribute to the host University continue to grow in importance alongside the continuing demand for support from spin outs and the commercialisation of research. 


Grant Bourhill, Surrey Research Park


Robin Chave, University of Southampton Science Park

Alistair Cory, Begbroke Science Park

Dr Nick Gostick, Keele University Science & Innovation Park

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The webinar will consider the approaches and solutions that can be taken and how we can improve as an industry to encourage effective and sustainable EDI strategies.


Bob Cushing, Bridge Fibre


Roz Bird, Commercial Director, MEPC Silverstone Park

Natalie Daniels, Senior Area Manager, Greater London Authority (GLA)

Dr Katie Perry, Chief Executive, Daphne Jackson Trust

Covid-19 update: Lessons from the past, the present and future challenges

As we enter the third lockdown, UKSPA’s first webinar of 2021 will look at the lessons learnt from the past nine months and consider the challenges as well as the opportunities ahead.


John Leake, UKSPA Director, Company Secretary and Honorary Treasurer


Dom Hallas, Executive Director. The Coalition for a Digital Economy

Iain Mansell, Deputy Director, Innovation Alliance for the West Midlands

Member Panel: 

Colin Sinclair, Chief Executive Officer, Knowledge Quarter Liverpool

Dr Sally Basker, Chief Executive Officer, Exeter Science Park

Duncan Rogers, Asset and Estate Management Director, Harwell Campus

Navigating risk mitigation for your park assets

The webinar debated some of the biggest risks to science parks, the assets and how to best mitigate them. Our speakers discussed service charges, ESG legislative changes and a quick dive into EPC and MEES and what you can be doing to invest wisely, save money and all whilst improving your environmental impact.


James Chaffer, Chief Executive, UKSPA 


William Frost, Associate Director, Avison Young

Tom Malcolm-Green, Sustainability Consultant, Avison Young

Paul Holden, Director, Carbon Profile Ltd

Nicky Knight, Director and Head of Service Charge Consultancy, Avison Young





The Science Park Vision

This webinar discussed what practical and deliverable guidance, support and measures can be put in place when delivering a long-term, sustainable masterplan for areas of innovation.  


Ian McFadzen, CEO, Plymouth Science Park


Peter Baird, Senior Associate, Perkins &Will

Mark Wathen, Strategic Lead – Economic Development and Growth, Somerset West and Taunton Council

Philip Campbell, Commercial Director, Milton Park

Skills, talent and growth

This webinar will debate the critical role innovation locations should play in inspiring, attracting and developing the best talent, providing the key skills necessary to further the knowledge economy. Speakers will consider the changes needed and the unique challenges faced.

Chair: John Leake, Sci-Tech Daresbury


Mark Lawson- Jones, Partner, Page Executive

David Hardman, Managing Director, Bruntwood SciTech – Birmingham

James Tooze, Policy Officer, Campaign for Science and Engineering (CaSE)

Creating sustainable life science and research facilities: How ready are you?

Over a quarter of global CO2 emissions come from the built environment – the global community needs to reduce building energy consumption by over 80% if we are to reach zero-carbon targets. Hear how science park owners, occupiers, developers and businesses can and must, take radical steps on the journey to securing a net zero legacy for our cities, towns and communities.

The time to act is now. How ready are you?

Chair: James Chaffer, UNIP


Carl Potter, Managing Director & Principal, Avison Young Birmingham

Debbie Hobbs, Group Director for Sustainable Business at ISG

Keith Papa, Architect Director, BDP

Marketing todays Science and Innovation Parks

This webinar will look at the techniques, campaigns and skills needed to promote UK innovation locations that will; help attract the next generation of entrepreneurs and knowledge intensive businesses in a post-covid world


Bob Cushing, Bridge Fibre


Roz Bird, Commercial Director, MEPC Silverstone Park

Tim Riches, Head of Finance and Marketing, Surrey Research Park

Emily Roberts, Operations & Customer Experience Manager, M-SParc

Helena Jevons, Head of Sales & Marketing, Sussex Innovation

Adapting office buildings for laboratory use

Following on from the initial webinar in November and the subsequent feedback, this webinar debates how more innovative use of space can drive innovation to significantly assist in attracting new talent and supporting retention of existing occupiers. 


Ian McFadzen, CEO, Plymouth Science Park


David Williams, Partner and Head of Science & Technology, Bidwells

Sam Potts, Partner, Bidwells

Alison Wring, Director, AECOM

Richard Walder, Science and Technology UK Sector Lead,  Buro Happold Engineering

David Lupson, Director, CAM-SCI

Continuing Professional Development

UKSPA webinars are registered for CPD. For further information and to register your CPD activity please email

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