Advertise with us

Our digital marketing packages offer the opportunity to promote yourselves cost effectively, raise your profile and stay at the forefront of the UKSPA community and the wider science and innovation sector.

Contact with your advertising enquiries.


Advert specs and costings are as follows:

Square Ad (Side Bar – Articles)
Size: 300×250 pixels
Monthly cost: £250
Positioning: Sidebar

Double Square Ad (Side Bar – Articles)
Size: 300×600 pixels
Monthly cost: £300
Positioning: Sidebar 

Leaderboard Banner (head – homepage)

Size: 728×90 pixels
Monthly cost: £250
Positioning: Top of the page

Leaderboard Banner (mid content – homepage)
Size: 728×90 pixels
Monthly cost: £200
Positioning: Middle of the page 

Leaderboard Banner (footer – homepage)
Size: 728×90 pixels
Monthly cost: £150
Positioning: Bottom of the page

Please provide all advert creatives in their correct sizes and either .jpg/.jpeg or .png format – we do also accept animated.gifs, but these will need to be confirmed by our web developer first.