UKSPA Autumn Conference 2022

Charnwood Campus, Loughborough - Thursday 15th & Friday 16th September 2022
Charnwood Campus

UKSPA members and stakeholders recently gathered for the Autumn Conference at Charnwood Campus, Loughborough.  The two days debated the current national and regional trends within the science and innovation sector.

Throughout the two days, leading speakers from the UKSPA network and key partners discussed in depth the challenges, opportunities, and innovative ways the sector continues to further engage, inspire and grow.


Charnwood Campus: Our vision – people,planet and prosperity, Ms Gosia Khrias, Commercial and Marketing Director, Charnwood Campus

Leading Economic Prosperity through Inclusive and Sustainable Growth, Andy Reed OBE, Chair,  Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership 

The National Rehabilitation Centre, Professor Mark Lewis, Loughborough University Academic Lead for The National Rehabilitation Centre 

Delivering the Future, panel session in which UKSPA members, each with unique challenges and opportunities discussed their current initiatives and visions. 

Life Sciences, an investment explosion, Ms. Emma Goodford, Head of Life Sciences, Knight Frank 

Investment the key drivers and opportunities, Miranda Knaggs, Corporate Development Director, We are Pioneer Group 

Changing modalities in the UK life sciences industry, Chris Walters, Haed of Life Sciences, JLL 

Skills, talent and growth – a critical role, Ian McFadzen, CEO, Plymouth Science Park 

Discovery Park and the skills agenda, Dr Martino Picardo, Chairman, Discovery Park 

Meeting local skills needs the Loughborough College way, Ms Jo. Maher, Principal and CEO, Loughborough College 

Life Sciences Clusters – view from the universities, Professor Donald Jones,  Professor in Translational  Biomarkers, University of Leicester 

The Conference Programme can be download here.

Please note not all conference presentations and sessions are available to download upon speakers request