Mar 31, 2020 | Member News, National Innovation Centre for Ageing NICA, Newcastle Helix
National architects, GSSArchitecture, are pleased to announce that following completion in October 2019, The Catalyst has become the first commercial office building in the North East to be awarded the certification of “Outstanding” by BREEAM under the current...
Jan 21, 2020 | Member News, National Innovation Centre for Ageing NICA
The highly anticipated Catalyst building, designed by National Architects GSSArchitecture, has welcomed its first residents, Newcastle University’s teams from the National Innovation Centre for Ageing (NICA) and the National Innovation Centre for Data (NICD),...
Nov 25, 2019 | Member News, National Innovation Centre for Ageing NICA
Newcastle University is constructing a new building called the catalyst building to co-host the National Institute for Aging and the National Institute for Data. A tender to appoint a Contractor to provide Innovation Centre building management services and marketing...
Nov 11, 2019 | Member News, National Innovation Centre for Ageing NICA
Lakeside Conference Centre, part of the National Agri-Food Innovation Campus (NAFIC), held its largest event to date, hosting Coeliac UK’s Gluten Free Food Festival. The event welcomed a record-breaking 1,300 people to the site earlier this summer, combining the...
Jun 7, 2018 | Member News, National Innovation Centre for Ageing NICA
The Fera apprenticeship programme gives students the opportunity to start their training as an Apprentice Laboratory Technician, which includes the Level 4 BTEC HNC in Applied Biology supplemented with content from the Level 4 Applied Chemistry HNC. This is whilst...