The University of Wolverhampton’s new Science Centre has been nominated in two categories in the region’s premier property and construction awards.
The £10.1m centre located at the University of Wolverhampton Science Park, which was completed late last year, has been nominated in two of the eight categories for the RICS (Royal Institute for Chartered Surveyors) Awards 2108, West Midlands.
Designed by Fairhursts Design Group and built by Clegg Construction, the building has been nominated in the Design by Innovation category and the Regeneration category.
The centre has high quality workshop, office and category 1 and 2 laboratory space over 4,000 square metres and offers specialist space for science, technology and engineering businesses, catering for the aerospace, automotive, building technology and life science sectors.
The first three tenants – Crestwood Environmental, Deeo Design and Engineering and VOSC (Vehicle Occupant Safety Centre) moved in last month.
Nigel Babb, University of Wolverhampton Science Park Director, said: “We’re really proud to hear that the centre has been recognised in this way in such prestigious awards.
“The finished product looks fantastic and now we have our first tenants moved in, the building has come to life.
“The centre offers unrivalled specialist space to scientific-based businesses wanting to develop and enhance their research and development activities and further companies are due to move in very soon.”
The awards, which recognise innovative projects across the West Midlands, are to take place at the Grand Station in Wolverhampton on May 2.
The Science Centre project was funded through a £4.8m grant from the Growth Deal to the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership, with the remaining £5.3m coming from the University.
For more information on the Science Centre and its facilities visit or phone 01902 824000.
Submitted on 05/04/2018