
UKSPA carried out an initial survey of members from Tuesday 31 March to Friday 3 April 2020 on the current impact of Covid-19. This post gives members the final analysis of this initial survey which shows the support that members are giving to their occupiers.

The data and comments from members is also used to support the briefing papers and other communications with Government and others.

Response rate was 55% and included some operators who had companywide policies on multiple locations. This paper updates members with the findings from this initial survey.  This is being followed up by a further survey that looks in more details of the financial impact of Covid-19 on occupiers and member locations.

1              What measures are currently in place or are actively being considered by management?

Two thirds of locations already had management teams primarily working remotely,

While 10% of members had furloughed management team members, around a third of members responding had furloughed some or all of their operational teams with another 30% either currently implementing or considering this.

There was an almost complete closure of catering (for take away food/drinks) in place.

2.            What measures are currently in place or are actively being considered by management as a result of requests from occupiers?

The initial financial measures to support occupiers were a combination of rental deferrals and/or “payment holidays”. Almost half of respondents had these in place or were currently being implemented. 45% had this under consideration.

Half of members were providing access to buildings outside of usual hours – primarily for access to laboratory space.

The survey that was circulated on Friday 3 April (closes on Tuesday 7 April) asking for more explicit information on financial policies in place.

3. Other Comments

As always there were useful and very consistent comments made by members. The paper shares some of these on:

Access to premises

Communications with occupiers

Financial impact

Companies working on Covid-19 responses.

The analysis can be downloaded here.

Do contact UKSPA if you would like any further information or visit our covid-19 hub at