Dstl looks to people who’ve left STEM careers to harness new talent.

The Defence Science Technology Laboratory (Dstl) has harnessed the skills of ‘STEM returners’ in its latest round of recruitment.

In partnership with the STEM Returners organisation, seven 12-16 week placements have been offered to people with science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) qualifications but who’ve taken a break from the workplace due to caring responsibilities, ill-health or redundancy.

Placements are spread across Dstl’s technical departments and it is hoped that the majority of recruits will be offered permanent positions after the initial period.

A Dstl spokesperson said:

Dstl is a progressive organisation, keen to build an inclusive and diverse workforce and to hire more people in mid-career. Our career-break returners campaign was to try an attract people who may not have previously worked in defence but who have technical and personal skills, and are up for a challenge.

There were many reasons why the candidates were on a career break… but we were impressed by their commitment to returning to work in STEM.

Dstl has worked with each of the candidates to offer flexible solutions for different working patterns and work-life balance.

More information on Dstl internships and other opportunities

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