Since the beginning of the first industrial revolution, when pursuing the vision of great entrepreneurs like Isambard Kingdom Brunel, thousands of labourers created canals and railways across the country, connectivity has been key to the UK’s industrial strength.

Two hundred years later connectivity is still a critical factor, propelling UK – and indeed global – industrial growth.

The difference is that we’re now talking about digital connectivity, facilitated by next generation networks, which are able to transport, process and use massive volumes of data with the speed and accuracy needed to fuel business growth and productivity.

This drive towards better connectivity runs through the government’s Industrial Strategy with a promise to “build a Britain that lives on the digital frontier.”

Reaching this frontier isn’t as simple as rolling out a data highway and signalling that it’s time to go.

Businesses need to be equipped to take advantage of this new digital infrastructure and the economic opportunities that it will create.

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Submitted on 11/04/2019