Engine Shed is seeking new occupiers for its 600sqft Arrivals Lounge office, following the successful departure of Oracle Startup Cloud Accelerator.

The space, which is located directly off Engine Shed’s Members’ Lounge, is available from 7th February 2019 on competitive and flexible terms. It is approximately 600sqft, currently with 20 desk spaces.

Oracle’s outgrowing of its Engine Shed office is representative of the kind of support Engine Shed offers to all types of organisations and projects in its network. 

Now, Engine Shed is seeking a new occupier that will benefit from the environment and can bring value to Engine Shed’s community and its vision of growing an economy that is inclusive, sustainable, beneficial to all.

If this is something you’re able to support Engine Shed in promoting to your networks, it would be much appreciated. More information on Oracle’s successful departure from the Arrivals Lounge can be found in the attached press release.

Submitted on 11/01/2019