When supplying IT services to tenants one of the first questions that I get asked is: “What internet connectivity do you have?”

CEME has seen a steady rise in Internet usage across the site over recent years so the decision was taken to future proof CEME and this ever growing need for bandwidth.

“CEME has just completed the installation of a new 1,000Mbps bearer running at a full 1GB, a huge upgrade from the previous connectivity of 400Mbps.”

This means that CEME has gone from being a SuperFast internet provider to a HyperFast internet provider! The increase has allowed us to review the CEME offering across Campus and raise the speeds of our standard packages across site to meet these ever growing connectivity needs. This has seen us increase our packages from between 25%-200% bandwidth, to offer 100Mbs, 50Mbs and 15Mbs packages. In many cases we have even managed to reduce the price of these services!

It has also opened up the ability for CEME to provide dedicated internet as a standard offer as well as our fixed speed packages, due to CEME having a healthy reserve of bandwidth to distribute around the campus.

The transitions were completed out of business hours by CEMEs dedicated IT team resulting in zero downtime for our customers proving just how diverse and customer-focused our IT department are.

CEME is glad to be able to provide full-fibre connection at the touch of a button, which is faster than many of our competitors and at a lower price. For details on how you can go faster, speak to the Commercial team to upgrade today!

Chris George, Head of IT
