Oct 19, 2022 | Carter Jonas, Member News
National property consultancy Carter Jonas has appointed Matt Lee as Head of Science and Technology, strengthening further the firm’s expertise in these areas to support clients across the UK. Lee will draw on his comprehensive understanding of these sectors to drive...
Aug 5, 2021 | Bidwells LLP, Carter Jonas, Member News, Sector News
Kadans has added two further buildings at Abingdon Science Park, Oxfordshire to its Pan-European science park portfolio. The assets, Monarch House and Penlon House were acquired from two separate private clients. The two buildings sit adjacent to Kadans existing...
Feb 27, 2018 | Carter Jonas, Member News, Silverstone Park
Image shows: Jon Silversides, Partner, Commercial for Carter Jonas at Silverstone Park with MEPC’s Roz Bird, the estate’s Commercial Director. Carter Jonas has been appointed as the local letting agent for Silverstone Park – joining national agent...