
The Bioscience Skills and Careers Strategy Advisory Panel (BSC) has received input from a Bioscience Skills and Careers Early Career Researcher (ECR) Subgroup (formerly the Postdoctoral Researcher Subgroup) since March 2013.

The terms of reference and remit of the subgroup has recently been refreshed to ensure that the group continues to contribute to BBSRC business in the most useful way. The group has broadened its remit to include not only postdoctoral workers, but also more widely, Early Career Researchers. As part of this refresh, we are recruiting new members to the group.

The first meeting of the refreshed group will take place on the 15 January. It would be beneficial for you to be able to attend this meeting, but not required.


BBSRC is recruiting a further three members, to increase the membership to the level defined in the new terms of reference. Ideally this would include two early career researchers working in industry (or with experience working in industry) and one BBSRC funded Discovery fellow.

The current membership is as follows:

  • Karen Liu, KCL, Chair and BSC representative
  • James Allen, UCL
  • Tegan Darch, Rothamsted research
  • Emma Duncan, Babraham
  • Sarah Lee, University of Birmingham
  • Andrea Domenico Rivera, University of Portsmouth
  • Laura Rapley, GSK

Desired attributes

The desired attributes of ECRs sought are described below.

Please note that it is not expected that all of the experiences and attributes sought will be found in each individual member; having gaps in these should not therefore prevent potential applicants from applying.

Panel members should:

  • Have the following basic skills:
    • Excellent communication
    • Influencing skills
    • Time management and prioritisation skills
    • Collaboration and partnering
  • Have the ability to work effectively as part of a panel by:
    • Seeking and respecting other’s opinions and perspectives
    • Dealing assertively and fairly with disagreement, conflict and challenge
    • Being receptive and open to feedback
    • Being committed to the success of the group
    • Committing the time required to attend meetings, and when this is impossible, contribute in other ways
    • Being able to build networks with a range of stakeholders and confidently dealing with stakeholders from sectors.

Please note that individuals currently completing their PhD are ineligible to apply.

How to apply

The deadline for applications is 2 December 2019.

Before you apply please read our Bioscience Skills and Careers Early Career Researcher Subgroup page and vision for postdoctoral researchers. If you have any questions about the work of the subgroup or the role of the ECR members, please contact

Please also communicate with your line manager to discuss the time commitments, and ensure you acknowledge this in your application form.

To apply please complete the application form (see application downloads below) and return it to If required you can alternatively return a paper copy of your application, please let us know if you wish to do this.

Application downloads

Early Career Researcher subgroup: Application form (DOCX 84KB)

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Applications to the subgroup will be assessed by the Chair of the subgroup, the Chair of BSC, and the Head of our Skills and Careers Unit. Candidates will be assessed against the above stated attributes and the expertise and experience sought in members as described on the postdoc researcher subgroup webpage. Appointments will be offered based on this assessment, the need to balance the overall expertise of the subgroup, the need to maintain a diversity of institutions represented (no two postdocs will be appointed from the same organisation), and the need to ensure appointments to the subgroup are balanced and in line with our equality, diversity and inclusion policy.

Equality and diversity

We recognise that diverse ideas, experiences, backgrounds and perspectives are fundamental to successful science and innovation and we are committed to ensuring that our committees, panels and boards are inclusive, diverse, and representative of our community. We are committed to the principle of providing equal opportunities for all. We are keen to obtain more diversity in our appointments so would welcome applications from a range of candidates from all backgrounds. Applications from women, those with a disability, and members of minority ethnic groups are especially welcome. For more information see the associated equality and inclusion impact assessment.Early Career Researcher subgroup: Equality Impact Assessment (PDF 46KB)

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Abigail Reynolds
01793 442615
