The Draft New London Plan is scheduled to be adopted early in 2020.  This is a planning document controlled by the Greater London Authority (GLA) which sets out the strategic plan for London in terms of the economy, transport, social framework and the environment.

It is expected that all development in London, subject to planning, will need to achieve net zero carbon.

New Buildings

New buildings in London must follow the Energy Hierarchy (Be Lean, Be Clean, Be Green).  This approach ensures that energy efficiency is at the heart of the design process.

For non-domestic buildings, a 15% reduction in carbon emissions from Part L2A English Building Regulations must be achieved at the Be Lean Stage.

For domestic buildings, a 10% reduction from Part L1A English Building Regulations must be achieved at the Be Lean stage.

For both development types, there must be a total of a 35% reduction in carbon emissions achieved from Part L2A on site with any remaining emissions offset by payments into the local boroughs carbon offset fund to achieve zero carbon.  The New London Plan recommends that London’s Local Planning Authorities set carbon offset payments at £95 per tonne for a period of 30 years.


Redevelopments that are subject to planning consent will be required to meet the Zero Carbon target.  Developments will be expected to follow the Energy Hierarchy Be Lean, Be Clean, Be Green, however there are no specific targets to be met for carbon reduction on site.

To demonstrate compliance with the London Plan, the existing building is modelled to create a baseline with each stage of the Energy Hierarchy modelled.  The reduction from the baseline must be presented with any remaining emissions offset by monetary payments into the local boroughs offset fund.

The New London Plan recommends that London’s Local Planning Authorities set carbon offset payments at £95 per tonne for a period of 30 years.

Additional Changes

There are a number of additional areas that must be examined:

  • New stage of the Energy Hierarchy called ‘Be Seen’. This is where measurement, verification and reporting of energy consumption will be required for 5 No years
  • An analysis of peak demand should be completed to ensure the continued viability of the electricity distribution network. This may mean implementing Demand Side Response and/or energy storage into developments
  • Referable to the GLA developments must complete a whole life-cycle carbon emissions assessment for unregulated emissions, its embodied emissions and emissions associated with maintenance and eventual disposal. Major non-referable scheme should calculate unregulated emissions and are encouraged to undertake whole life-cycle assessments
  • An analysis of the expected cost to occupants of the proposed energy strategy should be completed

Get in Touch

Please get in touch if you have a general query or you would like to discuss any aspect of the New London Plan.

We offer our comprehensive Energy and Sustainability services in addition to our core MEP Engineering design and would be pleased to get involved in the planning stages of a project to inform the design process as early as possible.

We can also offer a short presentation to your team on any aspect of Energy and Sustainability of interest which can be arranged at a time to suit you.

Contact Details:



T: 0131 225 7117 (Edinburgh Office)