Bridge Fibre, the Cambridge-based leader in Gigabit Fibre Internet Access services for multi-tenanted commercial property, is launching its new Landlord Co-Investment strategy.
The company has been delivering fibre-based connectivity to multi-tenanted commercial properties such as Science Parks and Innovation Centres for over 10 years and has over 30 sites across the UK.
“The model has been to install Gigabit Fibre services to campuses and buildings and then use this to provide cost effective, very high quality connectivity and other services to the tenants. This enables us to provide much higher capacity and quality at much lower cost than can be found in the open market, particularly in the price gap between copper-based Broadband services and full-on leased lines” explained Leigh Partin, Managing Director, “This has often required the landlord to invest in the infrastructure on site, but, subject to running the numbers, we believe we can provide some of this additional investment, sharing the risk and reward with our landlord clients”
The first site to be the beneficiary of the new strategy is the new TusPark site at Cambridge Science Park. TusPark (Tsinghua University Science Park) is an enterprise formed from Tsinghua University and is rapidly spreading its Innovation and Incubation model globally.
“TusPark Cambridge is our second site in the UK and is a completely new building based around our successful global incubation model. Basing it on Cambridge Science Park puts us at the forefront of innovation in the UK” said CongCong Wang, Head of Operations for TusPark.
Having already committed to the build out of the new site at 25 Cambridge Science Park, Tuspark has contracted with Bridge Fibre to build the internal and external networks to service the site. Bridge Fibre plans to install a fully resilient Gigabit network from day 1. Bridge Fibre will take the risk on the external lines and invest in the routing, switching and wireless access points to support the tenants as they move in.
“This model enables us to share the risk and reward of delivering the services to the landlord in proportion to our relative investment in the site. We undertake surveys for existing sites and work from the plans for new sites, which enables us to predict exactly how much it will cost to finish the fit out and also plan what the likely revenues and costs are going to be over the life of the contract. We build an open book business model with the landlord so that they have complete visibility of the revenues and costs over time. In some cases we can put all of the investment required in, significantly reducing the risk for our clients” said Bob Cushing, Commercial Director, Bridge Fibre
Bridge Fibre has also published a paper (“The move towards multi-tenanted property and strategies for funding the necessary ICT infrastructure”) explaining how the model works which is downloadable from the website at
Submitted on 18/07/2019