Begbroke Science Park

Begbroke Science Park

Begbroke Hill
Woodstock Road


Oxford University Begbroke Science Park pioneered a collaboration model for University : Business interaction at the interface between science and technology. The resulting mix of interdisciplinary research and entrepreneurship has led to innovations which continue to change the way our world works. It’s exciting to have such a place at the core of the Oxford science and engineering programme to develop and showcase impacts of increasing scale and scope.” 
Professor Donal Bradley, Head of Division, Mathematical, Physical & Life Sciences, University of Oxford 

Begbroke Science Park is a pioneering development, the fisrt science park in Oxfordshire owned and managed by Oxford University. It’s unique environment where world-class scientists work alongside colleagues from industry, decision-makers and entrepreneurs to translate cutting-edge research into commercial opportunities.

Begbroke is more than a conventional science park. Closely integrated with Oxford’s science and technology departments, it is a conduit for knowledge and technology transfer between researchers and entrepreneurs, helping them to forge dynamic partnerships.

In the high-tech industrial revolution, Begbroke supports the UK’s drive to deliver world-leading R&D across 8 great technologies. Its research strength in applied materials science attracts aerospace and transport multi-nationals, and worldwide brands such as Formula One. Cross-disciplinary research labs research solutions to global issues, such as how to provide sustainable energy, clean water and recycling resource; whilst commercial spin-outs use these discoveries to develop game-changing products that will change the way we live and work. In life sciences, Begbroke’s researchers look for novel drug therapies and devices to diagnose and treat cancer, diabetes and muscle-wasting disease more effectively. 

Begbroke Science Park lies 5 miles from Oxford city centre and provides 12000m2 of office and laboratory space adapted and extended to house research facilities and new hi-tech businesses. It is home to around 20 research groups from across different academic departments; and approximately 30 high technology/start-ups which have either spun out of the University or which have located here because of the close links available.

Begbroke maximises links between academic and industry site users through the hosting of industry-facingnetworks and services bringing companies to site and helping companies on site to mix.  Industry-facing activities are complemented by academic activities which build on the strengths of both communities. Begbroke is home to the Oxford Materials Characterisation Service; Advanced Research Computing: the Advanced Processing Laboratory; Oxford Centre for Sustainable Water Engineering; the Institute of Industrial Materials and Manufacturing, and the Oxford University Knowledge Transfer Partnership Office.

There are links to the University of Oxford Saïd Business School, which offers soft skills training; ISIS Innovation, the university’s research and technology commercialisation company; Medical Sciences Division and a team of industrial research collaboration managers. 

Oxfordshire forms a natural hub for science and innovation companies, who drawn together byf the close proximity of other science-based companies and the access to the range of complementary services that these companies require.  Begbroke is a key vertebra in the Oxfordshire Knowledge Spine, and a fundamental cog in Oxfordshire’s innovation ecosystem. 

Space available at Begbroke Science Park

Begbroke offers a variety of office and laboratory space that ranges in service level according to the users’ needs. These include fully serviced, partially serviced and unserviced offices, plus wet or dry laboratories. The space is flexible so in most cases can be easily converted to suit individual user requirements.

All space is supported by an advanced phone system and a superfast metro Ethernet broadband connection with matching upload and download speeds.

The Centre for Innovation and Enterprise (CIE) building delivers the fully serviced property offer and has recently expanded with the opening of the Innovation Accelerator. The centre offers a mixture of ground and first floor wet and dry laboratory and office spaces which have been designed for maximum flexibility in use. 

The partially-serviced and unserviced property is provided in a range of other buildings, all of which offer lab and office accommodation. Across the entire science park, we offer flexible agreements with negotiable notice periods, which enable companies to expand into more space as and when required. Rent of the space, business rates, building insurance, cleaning, maintenance, heating, lighting, site security, landscaping, use of meeting rooms and common areas is variably incorporated into the monthly fee.

Across the entire science park we offer flexible agreements with negotiable notice periods, which enables companies to expand into more space as and when required. Rent of the space, business rates, building insurance, cleaning, maintenance, heating, lighting, site security, landscaping, use of meeting rooms and common areas is variably incorporated into the monthly fee.

Institute of Advanced Technology (IAT)

The Institute of Advanced Technology accommodates a broad spectrum of applied academic activity under one roof. The aim of the IAT is to house inter-departmental University and commercial research activities working across disciplines in the energy, nanotechnology, aerospace and automotive sectors, as well as environmental and ICT.

Other Facilities                     

Examples of two of the industry-facing services are offered below.

Oxford Materials Characterisation Services (OMCS)

OMCS helps its customers understand materials-related issues in the lifetime of their product, from components and utilisation, to recycling and disposal. Part of Oxford University’s Department of Materials, OMCS provides specialist services to industry, combining scientific expertise with a modern well-maintained equipment base.

OMCS offer:

  •  A customer-orientated, dedicated team of experts specialising in the near-surface analysis and characterisation of solid materials and thin film structures, particularly metals, semiconductors, composites, biomaterials, polymers, ceramics and archaeological materials 
  • A consultancy and problem-solving service for the investigation of materials and materials-related problems 
  • Analytical services with access to an unrivalled range of facilities for the characterisation of properties, composition and structure of materials 
  • Fast and reliable turnaround 
  • Quality assured service 
  • Confidentiality 
  • Routine quality control analysis 
  • Routine single sample analysis 

The Begbroke Cleanroom came into operation in 2002 and providing 150 m2 of cleanroom space, class 10,000, housing a suite of processing equipment.

Knowledge Transfer Partnership Office

Oxford University’s Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) office initiates and supports KT partnerships between academics, companies and high-calibre graduates seeking to make an impact in the business environment. It enables companies to access the University’s research expertise and facilities, academics to apply their knowledge to developing solutions to real-world problems and graduates to develop their business skills in tandem with involvement in hi-tech research at the University.

For more details of the KTP scheme visit: partnerships/embed-a-researcher-in-your-team/

Networking and Business Support

These include seminars and soft skills training focused on the needs of science-based high-tech SME’s; technical workshops for industrial research collaboration; the Begbroke Science Forum and informal site networking events bringing together entrepreneurs, research professionals and external partners across Oxfordshire.

Conferencing & Hospitality

All tenants benefit from free access to most of the site meeting rooms. Begbroke’s well-equipped conference facilities offer the perfect venue for an exhibition, product launch, training session, workshop, or business meeting, accommodating from 5 to 70 delegates. The mature walled garden adjacent to the farmhouse is a delightful venue for special events. The meeting rooms are also available for hire to non-site users.

Site Restaurant

Begbroke’s on-site restaurant offers a high standard of catering, freshly prepared in-house and tailored to suit all palates.

Free Minibus Service

Linking Begbroke Science Park to Oxford University’s science departments and the city centre, the service is free to use for all site tenants, visitors and staff. Begbroke’s minibus tracker provides real-time traffic flow and timetable information to all minibus users.

Please visit our website at for more information on our site and the facilities we offer.


New Mixed-use Offices

Oxford University Begbroke Science Park is expanding, opening new mixed-use offices and wet/dry laboratories in summer 2016.


Reserve your space now. Telephone 01865 283700 or email to arrange a viewing.


Begbroke Conferences

Begbroke Science Park
Begbroke Hill
Woodstock Road

Set in the peaceful Oxfordshire countryside between Oxford and Woodstock, yet only 5 miles from the city centre and with easy access to the M40 and the Oxford ring road, Begbroke Science Park offers comfortable, fully-equipped conference facilities and meeting rooms accommodating from 5 to 90 delegates in a relaxed atmosphere. The venue has ample free parking for your delegates.

So whether you are planning a conference, exhibition, product launch or workshop, or you’re just looking for a room hold a business meeting we can create whatever environment you choose, from ultra-modern to the elegance of our 17th-century farmhouse. Oxford University Begbroke Science Park offers you the right venue excellent service and highly competitive rates to ensure that your event is a success.

Our conference and meeting rooms are well-equipped with all the audio/visual equipment you could need, including HD data projectors, screens, laptops, DVD player, public address system, interactive whiteboard, wireless internet access, conference phone and hearing induction loops.

The mature walled garden adjacent to the farmhouse is a superb venue for larger functions. Marquee hire can be arranged and could be used in conjunction with the main conference room. The garden is also a delightful venue for special events.

Our catering team provides freshly-prepared food, from simple sandwiches to bespoke buffets, all made from locally-sourced ingredients. And we’ll take care of your guests on the day, so you can focus on getting your all-important presentation spot on.

For further information contact



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